Murgen – an opensource project for ultrasound imaging

Murgen - an opensource project for ultrasound imaging eng


The opportunity to make visible the undeniable has always fascinated us. The ability to see what lies behind or inside objects, to make frequencies beyond visible spectrum visible, to translate sounds into images, have always been a driving force for man to develop new technologies. Whenever one of these technologies makes visible what was previously unnoticeable, man opens a frontier to a new world to observe, study.

One of these technologies is ultrasound imaging. This technology has recently found space in many applications, especially the medical one. In this article we will see how some makers are trying out new projects to make this technology reachable by using low-cost and opensource materials. One of these is the Murgen project.

Murgen - an opensource project for ultrasound imaging

The world of ultrasound images

The ultrasound frequencies used for medical applications cover a range of 2 to 15 MHz. The ultrasound signal is produced by the oscillation of numerous crystals enclosed within a transducer. These crystals are stimulated by electric pulses by piezoelectric effect and high frequency vibration produce, ultimately, ultrasounds.

ultrasound transducer scheme

The purpose of these ultrasounds is to generate a return echo that is recorded by the transducer and converted to electrical signals. The analog electrical signals will then be converted into images.

Now this may seem simple, but in reality all technology is based on the physical interpretation of these return signals. In fact, electrical signals will have to be converted into distances occupied by objects in space. The ultrasound material will react differently providing a different echo (signal) depending on the density distribution inside it.

Ultrasound imaging - Murgen project

The duration (Ep) of the pulse determines the longitudinal resolution, while the frequency of the ultrasound determines the degree of penetration of the ultrasounds within the object (depending on the density). The technique of converting a signal into an image is called enveloping.

At the end of the conversion process, we will obtain an image that is familiar to us:

envelope analysis for ultrasound imaging

Murgen – an opensource project for ultrasound images

The Murgen project, on, aims to develop a development kit for the acquisition and generation of ultrasound images using low-cost and open source material. Developed by kelul24, this project is already operative, and many other makers are joining the project to collaborate.

At present, the project has completed its first phase of implementation already giving some results. The image below shows the comparison between an image obtained with the Murgen kit with one obtained from professional material on the market.

Morgen - an imaging ultrasound kit

But let’s see the Murgen project in more detail. One of the most intense aspects is its highly modular approach. The use of different modules allows others to focus on a single module and make the best ones without compromising the implementation of the project.

Here is its architecture:

Murgen project Architecture

and one of the possible realizations using opensource material:

Morgen - an imaging ultrasound kit
Morgen - an imaging ultrasound kit 2

The modules used in the Murgen project

Now you can see some of the modules used for building this project.

Ultrasound Transductor

As ultrasound transductor the  ATL3 probe has been chosen.

Morgen Project - ATL3 Probe transducer for ultrasound imaging

In order to operate this transducer must be connected to a HV Pulser. For this purpose a HV7360 model has been chosen

Morgen Project - HV7360 HV pulser opensource

High-Speed Data acquisition

Regarding the data acquisition module, the project used PRUDAQ, an opensource shield to be applied to a BeagleBone Black board. This shield allows the rapid acquisition of data (40 Mbps).

The Morgen project - PRUDAQ

Analog Processing

Processing of analog data (signals) from the transducer is performed by Goblin. This opensource board acts as a TGC-Envelop-ADC module. On the board picture below you can see the three different chips performing the three function.

The Morgen project - Goblin a TGC-Envelop-ADC module for imaging ultrasound

Main board

A Raspberry Pi Zero is used as the main control module in the project.

Raspberry Pi Zero

However, if you want to know more, here is the page with all the modules involved in the project.


In this article you have seen a quick overview on the technique of ultrasound images. You have also seen one of the examples of early open source approaches: the Murgen project. This is a project with the aim of creating a development kit for the acquisition and analysis of ultrasound images.


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