
Drawing Waves on Lattice with Processing

About a week ago, when I was surfing on Google +, I saw an animated GIF that represented a series of black balls orbiting around a lattice's dots. These balls had the angles staggered between them and rotating them all together gave the complex the image of a wave flowing through a surface.


Electrical measurements

The operation of making a measurement, is defined as the result of the relationship between a given magnitude and another homogeneous choice as a sample measure unit.


Matlab: symbolic calculation

Atlab is an application that we all know, but we are not always aware of all its potential. In fact, Matlab in addition to carry out the numerical calculation directed to which we are all accustomed, also allows us to evaluate analytically (i.e. maintaining parametric expressions) Many of these calculations. In fact, thanks to the symbolic Math Toolbox, Matlab provides us with a set of instructions for symbolic (or literal) computation.