Meccanismo Complesso - Landsat remote sensing

 Landsat – image acquisition of Earth’s surface (Remote sensing)

For over 30 years, the data were collected as the Earth surface images, thanks to a series of specialized satellites for remote sensing of the Earth’s surface, called Landsat. In all these years, an enormous amount of information has been collected and processed and allowed to monitor changes in the environment throughout this period.

Meccanismo Complesso - PCBGrip Banner 3

PCBGrip – an electronic assembly system for OpenBeam

PCBGrip is a kit of mechanical components that is designed to integrate seamlessly with the framing system as OpenBeam (here to visit the official site).. Thus you can consider it as one of the kits useful for a rapid prototyping. This extension adds new features to the already enormous flexibility of the framing system, in particular, you will have a better integration of the electronic components.

Meccanismo Complesso - Domotics - banner 4

The domotic electric system: a sample project for a residential facility

The designer must remain free to choose any other procedure, and technical solution. In this article, I describe the realization of a home automation system of medium level with the most common automation functions such as load management, alert for flooding and gas leaks, lighting, intrusion detection, blinds and shutters motor control. All of this is made possible by the universal standard Konnex system. But before discussing about the actual construction, a brief description of the various devices is necessary.

Normative - main

 Technical Standards

 The purpose of this article is to provide a short and practical manual regarding the vast and complex field of technical standards in electrical engineering and electronics. In particular I will talk about the rules adopted by qualified bodies and recognized nationally and internationally and produced by the contribution, the consent and approval of all parties involved such as designers, installers, manufacturers, consumer groups, the competent authorities

per esterno fig9

 Christmas Light Decorations

 This article will be a useful support for all those who directly or indirectly are involved in their use, especially for all those people who are going to make the happiness of many children getting ready to illuminate trees, nativity scenes, balconies, facades, gardens ( Fig.1 shows some examples of Christmas decorations bright)


The stand-by function: “The electronic state of half asleep”

In these times when energy saving is very timely especially with the realization of equipment increasingly attentive to the consumption of electricity, with this article I want to focus on that dot always on, usually red in color, which represents the stand-by of almost all modern electrical and electronic equipment; a bright dot that is generally considered annoying but completely harmless


The domotic electric system: the technological evolution of the traditional electrical system

With the passing of years and the continual technical development of materials and components, the electrical system in civil buildings, and not only has integrated its role as a simple distribution of electricity with modern technology Home and Building Automation (HBA), better known by the term Domotics. This word is composed of a set of words: “domus”, which in Latin means house, and “robotics” the discipline of engineering that deals with methods that allow a machine to realize the human labor.

Court Appointed Expert Witness (Technical Consultant)

  The Technical Consultant, generally referred to as Court Appointed Expert Witness (CTU in Italy), is a professional with specific technical expertise that acts as the assistant to the judge during the civil trial. Instead (referring only to Italy) if he acts in a criminal trial he is referred as Perito tecnico d’ufficio (PTU).


Creative Commons Licenses

The copyright law submits (at least in theory) its works to a regulation on their very restrictive use (Copyright or "All rights reserved"). It can often be profitable for the author to share his work with the users in order to spread it as much as possible.