Immagine principale

Effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields

The rapid and widespread increase in communication technologies that use electricity has greatly altered the electromagnetic environment around us, in addition to the constant increase in the use of electricity there is an ever increasing use of sources and Devices emitting electromagnetic waves.


Twilight switches

In a time of crisis like the present one in which the energy savings turns out to be a top priority, with a view to more efficient lighting environments especially public ones such as roads, gardens, parks, monuments, signs, parking, etc., the proper assessment of the “morning twilight” (sunrise or dawn) and of the “evening twilight” (sunset), that is those moments of weak illumination that precede the rise and follow the sun, it is of paramount importance.

Court Appointed Expert Witness (Technical Consultant)

  The Technical Consultant, generally referred to as Court Appointed Expert Witness (CTU in Italy), is a professional with specific technical expertise that acts as the assistant to the judge during the civil trial. Instead (referring only to Italy) if he acts in a criminal trial he is referred as Perito tecnico d’ufficio (PTU).