Arduino and the WiFi101 Library

Programming WiFi on Arduino with the WiFi101 library

The WiFi101 library allows you to programmatically use WiFi technology on Arduino systems powered by Arduino WiFi Shield 101 or directly using the Arduino MKR1000 board that has integrated WiFi. Needless to say, this library is one of the key building blocks for the development and use of Arduino as a IoT solution.

adafruit circuit playground - a new arduino compatible wearable board main

Adafruit Circuit Playground – a new Arduino compatible wearable board

On the big stage of the Arduino and Arduino-compatible electronic boards there is a new protagonist: Circuit Playground. This board is developed and distributed by Adafruit, and its name is very meaningful….this board is a “playground” for all makers.

In fact, it contains all the features of an Arduino LilyPad board, such as flexibility for wearable designs, but at the same time contains some electronic components (such as multicolored Led, buttons and light, sound and temperature sensors). With these components already integrated, you can create your projects and test them with only this board. Let’s look at it in more detail in this article.

Arduino LCD1602 - Using a liquid crystal display LCD with Arduino m

LCD1602 – Using a liquid crystal display LCD with Arduino via I2C

During the building of your projects for Arduino, you’ll often need to read the output data directly from a LCD display. In this article you will see how to mount a LCD display on your Arduino using the I2C communication. Finally you will see how to program it with a simple example showing how to display text on the display

Arduino Genuino WiFi101 a wifi system

Arduino WiFi101 – A WiFi system for Arduino and Genuino

In this article you’ve seen how to integrate your projects on the Arduino with a WiFi system. Have you seen all the necessary tools to do so, as WiFi101 shield for Arduino boards, and the model Arduino MKR1000 (Genuino MKR1000) where WiFi is already integrated. Also you saw how to install and properly configure the firmware and WiFi101 library. In future articles you will see some useful examples on how to use it.

Meccanismo Complesso - Arduino genuino MKR1000

Arduino MKR1000

The world IoT (Internet of Things) is becoming increasingly popular in the world around us. We are still fascinated by this world of sensors and microprocessors that are increasingly interfacing more in our daily lives. If you are reading this article you probably know Arduino UNO and how it has revolutionized our lives, both as makers and as geeks of various kinds … Well Arduino has developed a new much more specialized board for IoT: the MKR1000

Meccanismo Complesso - The PIR motion detector banner 3

PIR motion detector – a sensor for Arduino (2nd part)

This is the second part of the article published about a week ago that concerned the PIR motion sensors, explaining the technical details on their usage and operation (see here). In this article, continuing with the topic, you will see how to use them in a more practical way, or better, by using an Arduino board (in my case an Arduino UNO).